Jul 03, 2018

Sublime Text 3 support. February 25 th, 2013. Emmet now supports Sublime Text 3 beta! How to install: The preferred way to install Emmet is to use Package Control: Open Command Palette in Sublime Text; Pick “Install Package” command; Find and install “Emmet” plugin; Or install it manually: Quit ST3. Sublime Tutor - An interactive in-editor keyboard This tutorial is inspired from classic vimtutor. You will get to learn some handy shortcuts to work with Sublime Text 3. By the end of this tutorial, you would be familiar with ST's most important and frequently used shortcuts and features. Sublime Text 3 - show whitespace charcters - Ask Ubuntu

Sublime Text: Installation of Package Control

In Windows, you can press the Alt key and menu will reappear. In Linux, You need to press Ctrl + Alt + P then menu will appear in center of the screen then you need to choose View -> Hide/Show Menu menu entry. Then this will be permanently set as default. How do I get my menu bar back in Sublime Text 3 Linux

Distraction Free Mode can be entered into via the View Enter Distraction Free Mode menu item. When in Distraction Free Mode, all UI chrome (side bar, minimap, status bar, etc) will be hidden. You can selectively enable parts of the UI via the View menu – your settings will be remembered next time you enter Distraction Free Mode .

125 time-saving Hotkeys for Sublime Text. Extensive, exportable, wiki-style reference lists for Keyboard Shortcuts/Hotkeys. Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts ‒ defkey