Heads of Medicines Agencies: Guideline for transparency
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration The 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Unified Guidance applies to the FY 2018 PDM Grant Program application cycle. Applicants are encouraged to review the Notice of Funding Opportunity announcement and the HMA Guidance for detailed information regarding eligibility and to contact their FEMA Regional Office for additional information. Application Process Rethinking the NFIP Information Mitigation with HMA Unified Guidance. In addition, all mitigation activities must adhere to all relevant statutes, regulations, and requirements including other applicable Federal, State, Indian Tribal, and local laws, implementing regulations, and Executive Orders. All Applicants and subapplicants must have hazard mitigation plans that
Regulations and Policy Guidance concerning the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program may be found in the Code of Federal Regulations at 44CFR206.430, & 44 CFR part 200 , FEMA HMA (Hazard Mitigation Assistance) Program Unified Guidance, February 27 2015 or online at www.msema.org or www.fema.gov.
Nov 15, 2012 · (HMA) criteria set forth in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance (HMA Unified Guidance), dated June 2010. Ensuring the continuity of life saving and life sustaining community services provided by critical facilities such as police and fire stations, hospitals and water and sewer treatment facilities The uniform guidance supersedes 44 CFR Part 13, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-102, A-110, A-87, A-21, Generally, the State for which the major disaster is declared is known as the recipient. Aug 07, 2017 · FEMA has unified all of the mitigation grant programs under one set of guidance documents. The two guidance documents (also attached) are dated 2015 because there have been no changes to the guidance since last year. HMA Fund Available Notice HMA Guidance HMA Guidance Addendum
that funding is available under FEMA’s FY 2019 Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Program for qualified subapplicants in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, all Federally-recognized Tribal governments, and 5 U.S. Territories. These programs are available to local and state government authorities and agencies and Federally-recognized
HMA Summary • FEMA HMA grants are an opportunity to implement mitigation measures and reduce risk. • Reference the FY2015 HMA Unified Guidance for details on eligibility requirements. • Develop a complete application that showcases long-term benefits of proposed project/plan. • Take advantage of State and Federal HMA specific Hazard Mitigation Assistance - Louisiana The eligible activities for funding under the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Programs fall into the following categories: For Information on Hazard Mitigation Project Funding in your area contact the local OEP office (Office of Emergency Preparedness) in the Parish in which you live. Eligibility of Generators - Florida Disaster