DNS - что это такое и стоит ли …

2010-9-2 · Google的公共DNS解析服务记得是上年年底推出的。我用了半年了,非常稳定与快速。现在我配置的所有个人电脑与服务器都是用8.8.8.8与8.8.4.4做客户端解析。 为何我这么钟情于Google的DNS服务器?原因很简单,是为了避开电信等ISP的DNS劫持! google dns有什么用?如何设置google dns? - … 2019-5-31 · google dns主要为了替代ISPs或其他公司提供的DNS服务。许用户使用IP地址8.8.8.8通过其服务器路由链接互联网,从而避免使用自己的ISP。google dns通常可以提供更快的服务,并且在某些情况下,可以让人们在其他情况下无法上网。 google dns有什么用? Troubleshooting | Public DNS | Google Developers 2020-6-25 · If the last line of the output does not show a Google Public DNS IP address (,, or an IPv6 address starting with 2001:4860:4860), there may be a network problem preventing you from reaching Google.. On non-Windows systems, repeat the commands above with an -I or -U option, to use ICMP packets or non-DNS UDP packets sent to the DNS port (53). is the secondary DNS server for Google Public DNS. Google Public DNS is a DNS service that is run by Google for the purpose of making the Internet and the DNS system faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for everyone online. More information on Google Public DNS and what is for, check out the Google DNS page. ← DNS Check

Google Public DNS 免費服務: 和 2020-7-20 · Google 提供的伺服器 IP: 慣用 DNS 伺服器: 其他 DNS 伺服器: 只需要將 Google Public DNS 設定為你上網時慣用的 DNS 伺服器,就能透過 Google DNS 進行上網時的網頁解析,正因為有快取功能,可以加速頁面的檢索速度、以及縮短 DNS und - Googles neuer DNS-Service

「」「」はGoogleのパブリックDNS …

Dec 07, 2009 · DNS is what tells your browser (for instance) what IP address it wants when you give it a domain name (such as google.com) to look up, and anyone whose DNS server you use for such lookups can While Google does not block ICMP or random UDP to or other Google Public DNS IP addresses, The answer to this question can be yes and no, it depends on where you may be located, and even if you are in the best possible place for Google’s DNS server to reach you, that does not mean your internet is going to be faster.